Welcome to the
Goal Quest GamesTM web site! We hope you will stay awhile.
Click around and see the
Strengths and TroublesTM
game board and some
sample cards,
reviews of the game, and learn about the
Wellness Dimensions. Check out our newest game,
Goal HeroTM.
And be sure to look at the
resource page! Here you will find some valuable links to more information about health, wellness, and play!

Let the Sunshine In!
We are excited to announce that the first game in our table-top series,
Strengths and Troubles TM The Wellness Board Game is being played in
drop-in centers, clubhouses, community mental health organizations,
hospitals, and private therapists' offices as well as homes.
Order Your Copy
Annual Conference for the International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS) 2019 was held in San Diego.
Once again, Goal Quest Games was there! Just like the previous year in Orlando we had a wonderful time meeting peers from all over the world and hearing many stories about their successes.
Again Marcia and Janet presented a workshop. 2019's was called "From a Wish to a Goal: An Adventure in Goal Setting." Our thanks to all who attended and participated. That was fun!

At the conference we premiered our second game in the series,

Click to visit our Goal Hero page.
Remember, Marcia Burrows can entertain and inspire your professional group with a presentation on therapeutic games, Strengths and Troubles, and Goal Hero.
Marcia also offers informative talks on table-top and computer game design. Contact Marcia at thelogicalwoman@gmail.com.
More News
We've added rules for a cooperative way to play
Strengths and Troubles TM! Take a look
Also, consider printing
Wellness Cards to hand out to players. You'll find a link to our new template near the top of
The Wellness Dimensions page.
Keep up with
Goal Quest GamesTM! Want to learn more about
Strengths and TroublesTM and
Goal HeroTM?
Join the Goal Quest Games Email List.

To view a .pdf version of our informational brochure,
click here.